Published on October 12, 2021
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Getting an investor visa allows a foreigner to live and work permanently in Brazil. If you have at least R$500,000 to invest in Brazil, you can apply for an investor visa, which will allow you to invest in real estate, start a business or invest in an existing Brazilian company.
Investor visa requirements
To be eligible for an investor visa a foreigner must invest R$500,000 in either an already existing Brazilian company or in a new Brazilian company. It is possible to get the visa with amounts less than this but there is more subjectivity involved in the decision, more information can be found in the Resolução Normativa CNIg Nº 118 DE 21/10/2015. The CNI (Conselho Nacional de Imigração) is the body which is responsible for making such a decision.
The CNI, which is part of the Labour Ministry, evaluates a few factors when deciding whether or not to grant the visa. Factors such as how many jobs the investment will create (based on the company’s business plan), where the company is located in the country, which sectors of the economy the company will be operating in and how exactly the company will be benefitting this sector, and if there will be a transfer of technology and/or resources which benefits the country in general.
So what exactly do you need to do to get this visa? The important thing to note here is that the investor or investors themselves are not the ones responsible for applying for the visa. The Brazilian company which they are investing into is supposed to carry out the application process. From here you can probably deduce that if you’re planning on investing in your own company, then you have to set up the company first, wire in the capital, and then apply for the visa.
Furthermore, in the case of opening one's own company, the applicant must prove to the Brazilian authorities that the venture will create jobs, demonstrated by way of a three-year business plan. This document must contain information about the company's location, services provided, and the implementation of investment, as well as detailed hiring plans and wage structures for staff.
Job creation is a crucial part of investor visas, but business plans should also be conservative. If, at the end of a three-year period, a foreigner's company has not fulfilled the promises laid out during the visa application, their right to reside in the country may be revoked.
Real estate
The granting of residence authorization for real estate investment is conditional on the acquisition of real estate, located in an urban area, in an amount equal or superior to R$1,000,000. The investment may be:
– Acquisition of existing real estate;
– Acquisition of real estate under construction.
1. Multiple properties: Acquisition of more than one property may be made provided that the sum of all properties corresponds to the minimum amount stated;
2. Co-ownership: Co-ownership may be admitted provided that each co-owner has invested the minimum amount stated;
3. Financing: The value of the real estate investment may be financed for the amount that exceeds the R$1,000,000.
The minimum investment amount may be 30% less of R$1,000,000 when it comes to the acquisition of real estate in the North and Northeast regions of the country. More information can be found in Resolução Normativa Nº 36, DE 09/10/2018.
Length & restrictions
Your residency status is permanent, however subject to renewal, so therefore you can live and work in Brazil as long as you maintain your investment in the country. The first renewal is after three years and you will receive the new document in about 90 days. In the case of real estate investment, the first renewal is after two years. You can also apply for Brazilian citizenship after 4 years in normal cases and 13 years in special cases.
you can leave the country during your residency period, but it must be no longer than two years. Therefore a visit once every two years is necessary to maintain your residency.
After you have your visa
You can bring your family to Brazil after you get your investor visa. However, there are a few restrictions. These family members are eligible to apply for visas of their own on the basis of your investment:
– Your spouse;
– Children (and step-children) under the age of 18 (and above 18 if disabled and unable to provide for themselves);
– Parents (if you can prove that they require your support);
– Siblings, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren if they are orphans and under 18, or if they are disabled and unable to support themselves then the age requirement does not apply
Do I have to keep my investment in Brazil? – Brazilian authorities will periodically check if your investment is still in the country. If you have left your investment in the country, your investor visa will be automatically renewed.
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